Friday, 26 June 2009


The sun was out nice and hot this afternoon so me and the dog went for a quick blast up Hawkstor to get some exercise and some reference photos(me only, not the dog) for possible future paintings. Hawkstor is one of my favourite tors. It's only about half a mile up the lane and commands a stunning vantage point looking east towards Dartmoor in Devon, with the whole expanse of Bodmin Moor behind, stretching away to the west. It's also a great place to let the dog run wild, as the whole of the tor is set aside to nature, fenced off from sheep, which is allowing the native plant life to slowly return.

Anyway, we zipped up the slopes, scrambled over the spine of huge granite outcrops that crown the top and generally had a great time behaving like mountain goats. Buzzards quartered the blue sky above and everything was very green and lush. So, here are a few pictures.....

Approaching the crag

Looking west from the top, towards Trewortha Tor

Rain shapes and carving in rock

Looking east, Devon-ways


Peter Brown said...

Joel, with my drawing board propped up on the kitchen bench and a view over the fence to a sea of suburban roofs, I'm deeply envious of what you have half a mile up the lane!

Joel Merriner said...

I must admit Peter, this is certainly a beautiful neck of the woods, largely unspoilt and not particularly well known, even by the Cornish. By the way, I lived in Perth as a small kid, some incredible landscapes round there - big and very hot as I remember!